Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Unboxing The Island Batik Ambassador Box For 2025: Find Out What's Inside!


I’m a 2025 Island Batik Ambassador!

This will be my second year as an Island Batik Ambassador and I’m so thrilled to have been chosen from all of the applicants who applied.

There are so many great things about being an Island Batik Ambassador. First there is the challenge they give us to grow as a quilt makers and designers. Then there's the wonderful opportunity to play with the fabulous batiks that Island Batik produces. And there's more... We are provided with the best quilting products from all the sponsors.

We received our first Ambassador box which weighed, I believe, 29 pounds! In this box contained fabrics for us to use in our challenges the first half of this year along with products from the sponsors. These items are provided to all Ambassadors by Island Batik and their industry partners. The partners include Aurifil ThreadAccuQuiltHobbs BattingSchmetz NeedlesOliso IronsFunky Friends FactoryByAnnie.comDeb Tucker's Studio 180 Design. I received these items as part of my role as an Island Batik Ambassador.

Check out my Video of the items I received.

Here are all the items I received in my first Box of 2025 with more details!

Oliso – They sent us their small “Project Iron”. They also sent the handy carrying bag to go with the iron.

Accuquilt Go! Irish Chain – I received the AccuCut Go!me since I didn't have one. Thank you AccuQuilt!!! This Irish Chain die will be used during our May Blog Hop.

Island Batik – This Surprise Package is the fabric designed by Jerry Khiev and will be used in our May Blog Hop. The fabrics in this surprise bundle will be shipping to quilt shops in May.

Island Batik – 10″ Squares – Opulent Orange. 20 fabrics, 40 pieces.

Island Batik – Gradations – Breathtaking Brown – 2 1/2″ strips. 20 fabrics, 40 pieces.

Island Batik – Cosmic – 2 1/2″ strips. 20 fabrics, 40 pieces. Plus two yards of coordinating fabrics – Cream and Wavy Dots-Black.

Island Batik – 3 sets of Stash Builders – 5″ strips of fabric – 2.8 yards in each package. These are great as giveaways to Quilt Guilds or to use in our projects.

Island Batik – Foundations set – 12 fabrics each 1/2 yard each. Assortment of solids to gradations to mottled batiks.

Island Batik – 6 yards of a Neutral plus 4 yards each of Black, White & Gray.

Island Batik – “Fall Flair” – Fall 2024 collection by Jerry Khiev for Jennifer Fulton, The Inquiring Quilter. This fabric ships to shops in February. This is the fabric I will be using in our February Blog Hop Challenge. There are 20 fabrics, each 1/2 yard.

Aurifil – The only thread I using for my quilts! We received 3 spools of 50 weight thread, Dark Antique Gold (2372), Neon Orange (1104), and Orange Mustard (2140).

Schmetz Needles – In our Schmetz bag we received three sets of needles, Vinyl, Piecing & Quilting, and Universal. A Schmetz luggage tag, and Schmetz ABC pocket guide, and a Schmetz notepad. These are the only machine needles I use!

I should have the second box arriving this week, from Hobbs Batting and Deb Tuckers Studio 180 designs. I can’t wait to share those with you as well. Funky Factory Friends are providing a pattern for us to make a stuffed animal for one of our monthly projects.

Please visit my fellow 2025 Ambassadors to see what fabrics they received in their shipments and also to see the finished projects they make!

Brenda Alburl -

Renee Atkinson -

Susan Deshensky -

Tina Dillard -

Brittany Fisher -

Kimberly Flannagan -

Preeti Harris -

Mania Hatziioannidi -

Kim Jamieson-Hirst -

Connie Kauffman -

Connie Kresin Campbell -

Emily Leachman -

Denise Looney -

Leah Malasky -

Susan Michaels -

Lisa Pickering -

Sarah Pitcher -

Gail Sheppard -

Carol Stanek -

Solomae Stoycoff -

Jennifer Thomas -

Suzy Webster -

Be sure you’re following me on Facebook and Instagram so you won’t miss out on what I’ll be creating next with Island Batik fabrics!

#islandbatik #islandbatikambassador #loveislandbatik #createwitholiso #olisoconnects #aurifl #aurifilthread #schmetzneedles #accuquilt


Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Lovely box of goodies!

Denise said...

They sent you so many lovely fabrics.

william hartman said...
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Anonymous said...

lovely embroidery digitizing usa^